Meet Our Community
Every customer experience is different. Some people take time to adapt to the Neural Sleeve, others experience a transformation right away. Hear first-hand from real CIONIC customers to get a glimpse into the ways the Cionic Neural Sleeve has positively impacted their mobility, independence, and overall quality of life.
Ricky,  MS
"Before the Cionic Neural Sleeve, I couldn’t even walk up 5 steps. Now, I can walk up 6 FLIGHTS.”
Reuel,  MS
“It’s remarkable. I had been wearing an AFO for over 10 years. I’m now wearing normal shoes. The AFO required me to wear a size 13 sneaker. Now, I can wear shoes that fit properly. I’ve had MS for a long time and walking is still challenging but this device is life-changing. I’m still using crutches to walk. I’m still sick. But it’s much better now.”
Beverly,  MS
"When I started the home usability trial, I was only able to walk for about five to 10 minutes at a time, and I used a wheelchair for mobility outside of the home. Today, I can walk for 40 to 50 minutes at a time and I haven't used my wheelchair in over a month. I feel hopeful and optimistic that I can regain a lot of things that I lost."
Jan,  Cerebral Palsy
“I honestly feel as though I'm in the middle of a medical miracle."
Bob,  Stroke
“This thing is beyond fabulous. I'm on my third day and cannot put into words how excited I am.”
Ben,  ALD
"My foot drop was eliminated; my hip flexion was materially improved. I walked faster, with a more confident stride and better balance. I felt energized and hopeful.”
“I enjoyed a beautiful, steep hike with friends yesterday - for four hours. Thanks to Cionic. The wildflowers, the canyon, were stunning. Friends are the best and my quads are delightfully sore!"

- Anna
"I had a true test of the Cionic Neural Sleeve when I went to Alaska's Kenai Peninsula and found myself walking on cobblestones on the beach with no fear. My endurance was phenomenal after only using the device for 10 days. I've had MS for 37 years and have been a PT for 47 years. This has been a complete game-changer for me!"

- Patty
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