
One of the primary movements elicited by the Neural Sleeve is dorsiflexion. Dorsiflexion is the upward movement of your toes and ankle and is an essential movement for safe and efficient walking. During your walking cycle, the act of dorsiflexion prevents your toes from dragging on the ground as you try to step through and past your planted foot. Many Neural Sleeve users have “foot drop”, which prevents the dorsiflexion movement. Proper placement of your Neural Sleeve is important for achieving proper dorsiflexion while walking, and below are some videos to assist you in achieving dorsiflexion with your sleeve.

Donning The Neural Sleeve
Dorsiflexion on the Left Side
Dorsiflexion on the Right Side
Live Q&A Recording: Donning for Dorsiflexion
Q&A Session Content Guide:
Helpful Tips
Tip 01 /
In order to get sufficient dorsiflexion, proper Neural Sleeve placement is key. Head here to review donning the sleeve.
Tip 02 /
If you are having ANY DIFFICULTY with updating your dorsiflexion settings to get the appropriate response, contact us at
User Manual Content
Learn more about dorsiflexion
  • Chapter 7: Configuring Stimulation (p. 27)
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Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph: +1 (888) 481-3724